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Jann Nunn’s work primarily takes the form of large-scale sculptural installation, sculpture and performance art, and is frequently site-related or situation-responsive and takes into account its immediate surroundings; absorbing characteristics of the particular place or situation, reflecting physical, historical, or psychological attributes.

She chooses materials and employs specific presentation methods that buttress each work's given concept. Typically, Nunn uses materials in unanticipated ways that evoke multifarious meanings. Disparate materials such as welded steel with glass or fabric may be used in a single work to accentuate conflict or tension.

Nunn has exhibited, lectured and held residencies nationally and internationally since 1987. At Sonoma State, she teaches courses in installation, public sculpture, fabrication, casting and performance. She holds a BFA in sculpture from the University of Alaska, Anchorage and Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture 1991 Painting/Sculpture and an M.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute 1992 Sculpture.

Jann Nunn

This Is Not a Nude Descending the Staircase

2009,steel (railroad track, cable, meat hook),

96” x 18” x  6”, $5,000

January 9  -  February 7, 2010




Hanna Regev

& Steven Lopez

“The enigma of Marcel Duchamp has held sway over my work as a sculptor for more 20 years”. In This Is Not A Nude Descending a Staircase, Nunn combined two ready-mades- a meat hook taken from Slaughterhouse Space and a section of discarded railroad track left over from her recently completed Holocaust & Genocide Memorial. There are meticulously cut and reassembled 200 slivers of the track, strung the ordered pieces on a cable, and hung it off the meat hook from the gallery's rafters- like a slaughtered animal or a victim of genocide. 

“I’m confronted with questions of authenticity and meaning every time I enter the studio. Where, or how, do I draw the line between what is enough and what is too much? What role does chance play into the outcome of any given work?

The more I learn the more illusive it becomes.”      Jann Nunn

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